Friday, May 13, 2011


Last year, my partner, Miriam, and I finally joined Groupon, and I was immediately hooked. I bought up Groupons to restaurants I had wanted to try, cupcake carts in the Village, unlimited yoga classes for two weeks (for a studio I am now a member of. Groupon worked…), and one fateful day Miriam and I purchased a Groupon to the King Tut Exhibit at the Times Square Discovery Museum.
We had been talking about wanting to see the exhibit for MONTHS, but that’s all it ever was—talk. Until Groupon. We bought up our Groupon and headed over to Times Square.
We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly throughout the exhibit, and right before exiting the building, me being the ever observant one, I noticed a stanchion sign stating “Win a Free Trip to Egypt.” Hey, why not give it a chance? What have we got to lose?
So Miriam and I entered for poops and giggles cuz no one ever really wins those things, right? Or do they…?
At 1am in early November, my phone starts ringing, waking me up from a deep sleep. Miriam, who is in New Orleans, is on the other end, speaking with giddy excitement. She starts telling me we’ve won a trip to Egypt, and I tell her in my sleepy stupor that I don’t think it’s real and will talk to her in the morning. I fell back asleep and immediately forgot about it.
My mother called me the next morning asking what Miriam’s big news is. I, of course, have no idea what’s she’s talking about. She tells me she saw Miriam had posted that she had exciting news in the middle of the night and no one to tell it to, and WHAM! It all comes back to me.
“MOM!!!! We won a trip to Egypt!! I thought it was a DREAM!!!”
Nothing beats traveling on a song than traveling for free and knocking off a very big Bucket List item! And I think we have Groupon to thank. Who knows if we would have ever actually gone to the King Tut exhibit if Groupon hadn’t offered a deal. All I know is that it definitely got us there, and now we’re headed to Egypt!
Moral of the story? People DO win those trips. So enter, and enter often, cuz you never know where you’ll go.

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